Went on a trip to the Mekong Delta today with Vince, Tom and Katherine (a girl from Oz who we met in our guesthouse). Today was full of boats!
Because it was still the Tet holiday there were tonnes of motorbikes and scooters on the road as everyone goes to visit their families during this time.
Got on our first boat at My Tho to a place where they farm bees. They tried to sell us Royal Jelly which according to their fact sheet about it can help cure hepatitis ABCD&E, is an aphrodisiac, can make your skin younger, can help fertility in men etc etc etc the list went on. I was a bit skeptical so only bought three jars!!
Saw my first ever water buffalo after we got on another boat, this time a rowing boat, rowed by two Vietnamese ladies - great photo of us wearing the traditional Vietnamese rice hats on this boat!
Next stop was a coconut candy making place where everything was made and wrapped by hand. Pretty tasty too.
Our last stop was two boat rides away where we tried some tropical fruit including pineapple with chilli salt, papaya, jackfruit and another yellow fruit which doesn't have an English name but is related to the kiwi. Whilst we ate a Vietnamese farmers band played and sung for us. Their finale was 'if you're happy and you know it'.
Back in the city we went to have a beer - sat outside a shop on tiny plastic chairs and the beers cost about $1 each
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