Day 39
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good week - and Rah, I hope you had a fabulous birthday:)
I'm still in Santa Teresa although I'm hoping to head into Alice today for the rest of the weekend - not really because I have any great plans, but becuase it would be nice to have a change of scenery! That also means I will be able to upload some more photos, which I know you have all been waiting for (haha!). The computors here are far too slow to upload anything, and my laptop won't connect to the internet, becuase there is no wireless - I didn't think that was even possible in a developed country!
This week has been "fracture and gastro" week at the clinic - we have had 2 broken ankles (on the same patient) and a colles fracture of the wrist as well as several suspected fractures that we sent for x-ray. The girl with the ankles had fallen over drunk on Saturday night and didn't come to see anyone until Wednesday (incredible...) when we discovered she had an open fracture of one ankle.. she was all set to have some paracetemol and leave again and was very offended that we insisted she stay! It transpires that she still didn't go to hospital until yesterday (Friday) becuase she wanted to watch a football match... I don't think you would find many people at home who walking round like that! I was very proud of my backslabs though...
There has been an outbreak of diarrhoea and vomiting in the community which is slightly worrying, especially when I got it too! It is a long time since I have felt that ill, and I ended up collapsing and having IV fluids in the clinic (luckily I was too ill to be embarrassed!) and two days later I am well on the mend but taking it very easy! Plans for a couple of quiet days with the tv I think!
I will be in touch again soon - I hope you are all looking forward to spring (and hopefully some better weather) - I miss you all, although I am now a quarter of the way through my trip and I can't believe how quickly it's going!
Lots of love xxxxxxx
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