Day Twenty-One!
I don't normally write every day but so many funny stories to tell from the last 24hours that it had to be worth a seperate entry!
Last night I walked up the hill behind Santa Teresa again and then on for a bit along the top... good fun and it felt nice to finally get some exercise! Story number one commences on teh way down the hill... firstly I need to explain that there are more flies here than I have ever seen in my life. They are EVERYWHERE! I had somewhere heading for 100 on me yesterday when I was walking and was permanently batting them away from my face... unfortunately I managed to bat one up my nose! Stupidly, I then inhaled and it got stuck. So there I am walking down a hill in the middle of the desert with a fly stuck up my right nostril. I blew and I blew and I blew but it just wasn't shifting.... I then began to worry, what was I going to do?! Eventually, after some 20minutes of tickling and itching I sneezed and out it came... still alive! Amazing...
The second story fits in this morning; I arrive for work early to find the clinic flooded. About 5inches of water throughout the building. It transpires that someone had left the tap on in the dialysis unit and it had been running steadily overnight! 2 hours of mopping later the place had begun to look a little less soggy, and we eventually started work!
So then work begins... and I head out into the community to take some bloods... I appreciate that this should be a straight-forward process... but somehow the dust storm, 3 children climbing on my back and 6 barking dogs were somewhat off-putting! It all worked out well and I was able to repeat the process several times
Returned to the clinic to do some antenatal care; and met a woman who was "definately 4 months pregnant" but also morbidly obese, so I took her word for it (it looked reasonable). So I make all this fuss about her continuing morning sickness in the second trimester, and that I needed to see her again tomorrow... when she thinks to mention that her LMP was the week after Christmas. Um, that makes 6 weeks? Oh, yeah, maybe....
That's it from me for now,
Much love to all of you
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