Another week has passed and sad to say not much has happened this week, we've all been pretty laid back as we're all storing our energy for this upcoming week where there are many birthdays so we will all be out and about this week instead.
But anyways I uploaded some pictures onto the website, I did have some more but unfortunately a lot of them came up with an error and so I couldn't upload them which was a shame, but the ones I could get working are up there.
I managed to get into Adventure Camp again this week which was good so another full 5 days of work which is nice, and I had a good set of children as well. I managed to get three of them up to a level where they could ski on the mountain so I had to swap my three with another instructor called Amy and took three of hers on Thursday and Friday so my three could go down the mountain. This was not the best swap as I ended up with 1 child who just played up and misbehaved and another that was German and couldn't speak any English but who was relatively well behaved just a bit lazy and didn't want to ski most of the time. I took my puppets out as well and Danielle ended up looking after the small one for the whole week and took her picture holding it which was nice. Her mother gave me a card on Friday saying thank you and how she is going to get her a puppet because she liked mine so much which was very nice. I also got $90 in tips this week from all my parents which was really good.
I also got my Olympic accreditation this week too which now lets me get into Creekside when the Olympics starts and also lets me get free bus rides anywhere in Whistler and around the local villages also which will be handy as we can use it next week to get ourselves a discounted bus ride to Squamish so we can go to Wall-Mart and buy some cheap things for our apartment and also get some cheap work shoes and other bits for our Olympic jobs. Unfortunately because a lot of us are working for BTS instead of Vannoc we don't get any of the Olympic clothing which everyone working for Vannoc gets which is a bit rubbish as they get a ski jacket with the Olympic rings on and ski trousers plus some jumpers as well and BTS staff don't get anything. So I am enquiring if I am able to get a voluntary job for Vannoc or something else so I can get the jackets which would be a great souvenir to bring back to the UK.
Outside of work we were pretty lazy, Saturday I cleaned our apartment and then met up with Ashleigh and we went to town where I ended up buying myself a bottle green leather jacket from Roxi/Quicksliver and since I am staff I got 25% off as well which was good and my weeks tips paid for it so it worked out really well. We then came back and watched some tv with Chris for a while before we went out to Merlins to celebrate Jacks birthday. Today I went out skiing and I was going to go to the peak of themountain but the weather ended up being a white out for the whole day so I decided against going to the peak and went to Blackcomb mountain instead of Whistler which was a bit better but the visibility was still really bad. There were a lot of patches where you could not see two feet in front of yourself so it was had but I still enjoyed it and I think it helped with my ski technique as I did the blue runs all day.
That's all for now xx
- comments
Spiz Hey Lilly I’m Glad your okay and it sounds like you’re having loads of fun. Your pictures are really good. Its not fair you have loads of snow and we only have a little bit which looks rubbish and like polystyrene. Take care and keep us updated xx
Eileen Hi Liz, Good to see you enjoying the job, hope you get the Olympic jacket . Our friends in Virginia had a large dump of snow yesterday 36" so maybe you can send them an old pair of ski's. Keep the blog going as we are avid readers and very jealous, the photos make up for our poor weather over here. love Eileen.
babs Hi Liz. glad to see you re enjoying your time in canada. I like the tips you got.and the colour of your new jacket. Keep the flag flying for st patricks day and wear your green babs