Update time again,
It's been a busy two weeks sorry about the lack of updates I will try to get 1 done a week at least from now on. Also organised my photos and have uploaded some new ones onto the albums.
Work has been very good last week I had Mini Dailies again which meant I had a different class each day, I almost didn't get a class for two of the days but thanks to my delaying when getting told to leave I managed to get hold of a class both times.
This week was pretty good I had Adventure Camp which meant I had the same children the whole week (apart from when we had to swap them around because of their levels). I had a good class apart from one child called Ned who wanted attention every second and then cried if I didn't focus on him, I managed to get through to him that I wasn't going to listen to him and he wouldn't ski if he carried on so by the end of the week the crying act had finished and he just sat still when I helped the other children ski. I also had Hugo which liked to copy the other children if they asked for mummy, but thankfully he didn't cry and if I told him to stop he would. He had an odd habit of saying nearly night time after we had lunch and he had a Puffa Fish helmet, all the instructors knew him and liked him which was nice.
I also had Santiago and Caia who were the best Santiago was the nicest child he would help everyone get their skis and take them off, he would carry things to people and was a very nice child. On Wednesday both Santiago and Caia were both able to ski circuits around our cones which meant they got swapped to go on the mountain, they swapped with Milli and I took two of hers Mia and Melinda. I managed to get Mia turning so the next day Milli got to take Mia down and I was given a girl called Sophia who was promised by her mother that she could ski down the mountain. Her mum even tried to get us to swap her so that she could go down the mountain without knowing what Sophia was actually capable of doing on skis, to which I said no to but if she was capable we would swap her after lunch, she was not able to turn properly, control her turns or speed that well and so she ended up with me the whole day.
We had a puppet show on Tuesday which was fun I have done two of them now and have been placed as the frequent puppeteer because I mentioned I had puppets. I need to bring mine to the show though as at the moment we are using socks with pasta and buttons stuck on them and they look in pretty bad shape really. So I'll be on the look out for some small puppets for them I think as my big puppet is too big for our stage although the small one will fit ok.
We had a staff party as well which was themed on Caribbean style so I got some board shorts, wore my thermals under it like a wetsuit and wore a white vest top over to go as a surfer, lots of people had some interesting ideas there was a group of four dressed up as the Cool Runnings people in a cardboard Bobsleigh and one man dressed as a parrot. They had a mechanic surf board which we tried, I didn't do too badly and stayed on for a while and it had a local band play who were quite good.
Nothing much else happened that week as a few people were doing their Skiing Level 1 courses so no nights out, just a few nights in watching films which was still good and a good idea as most of us have been quite tired this week. It started raining on Friday and has carried on all day today and not stopped which is a bit of a shame, it is due to rain until Friday as well which is a bit bad as all of our snow is slowly turning into ice because of it. I think that is about it really, nothing that interesting happened this week just been a bit busy.
Liz x
- comments
babs Hi Liz, looks like you are having a very interesting time over there. You missed all the snow we've had here for the last two weeks, you could have gone skying on the campion hills!! Alas it has now turned to awful rain .Hope you a more interesting next week ...Enjoy yourself, Love Babs