Ok so another week has gone by so time for another entry, not much has happened this week sad to say. I was ill at the beginning of the week so I had Monday off work but because we didn't have many children in last week I only ended up working on the Thursday which was a shame but I suppose it did me good because I needed to recover.
So Tuesday I went into work and it was our judging day for the Olympic painting so I got to stay until 12 to help make our CLC tidy for the judges and we got all the children to sing Oh Canada when the judges came in as well so hopefully with luck we will have won the prize to get a party. After that I grabbed some lunch there and went back home. Wednesday was pretty much the same no work so I ended up reading a book for the day called Lovely Bones. Friday I had work and I got to work along side Heather for the day which was good as we split our classes in half so we could both work and it made it a lot easier. We had a Deaf boy in our group who had a signer with him which was interesting to work with he was well behaved though so no problems with him.
Friday I didn't get work so I decided to go for a skiing lesson, I went for a low level just to improve on my posture and it was quite easy but helpful as the instructor helped me to improve my position when skiing so that my parallel turns went smoother. The same happened on Saturday but I went for the next level up (4) and I went with Ashleigh for the day this was also good I could feel myself carving better for my turns and the instructor helped us with where to hold our poles and how to stand as well. So both lessons came in really helpful and I will most likely have some more in the future when time allows and they are free for us to take as we are instructors.
We went out twice in the week the first was for a meal at the Hilton hotel which was very nice I ended up having ribs which were very good and the second was the works staff party which was good and the theme was the letter 'P' so we had to go as something beginning with P. I went as a puppeteer and took my puppet with me to save spending any money, and Nikki made a wooden frame at work and went as a portrait. Others went as painters, one as Packman and others as pop stars and plastic bags.
Today I started a second job as on Friday morning when I went in to work to see if I had a class the Flaik manager stopped me and asked if I would like to work for them on any days I get off. Flaik is a system here which is pretty much a little GPS tracker that we attach to the children's legs, so when we take them on the mountain we can track them if they get separated from the group. They flash and tell us where they are and it also records how far, how fast and how high each person wearing one has been so they are simple but clever. So I went in for 7:30 and helped set them up and hand them out, I also got to scan the children and the instructors so they were put into the system and that finished at 10 and then I had the day off to do what I wanted. So I ended up going into town and getting my shopping and then I came back for 3 when ski school ended so I could get all the Flaiks and help put them back in their chargers. So we finished that about 4:15 so it was pretty easy work but it is good because it is a few extra hours if I don't get any classes in the week and it also means I still get the day to ski in-between the morning and afternoon shift.
It is another Fire and Ice show tonight so I will be going to see that and then a group of us are going out for Chinese after which will be nice and I think that is about it. :)
Liz xx
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