We docked on time in Seattle and managed to get off the ship around 9 and got a lift to the local hostel. Seattle was pretty small and in the few days we were there we managed to see everything that we were interested in. We visited the graves of Bruce and Brandon Lee and went to the Volunteers park which was very nice it had a glass conservatory with various plants in. We also went to see the Space Needle which was tall, but decided not to go up as it was nearly £20 just for a lift to the top. We went to the Music and Sci-Fi Museum which was very interesting, it had a lot of interesting things inside the music section had instruments that taught you how to play songs and you could ask other people using another instrument to join you, there was a lot of information on Jimmy Lennox and a video room where you could listen to interviews with various Singers. The Sci-Fi section had a fair amount of stuff in it and lots of information about Sci-Fi's development throughout history and the different TV shows and Films that have been produced. There was lots of interactive bits in there as well.
We also went to the Police Museum to see how the Seattle Police had developed and also to the Klondike Museum as well because we wanted to compare it to the one we visited when in Alaska it was a bit bigger and contained more information about four groups of travellers who went to the Gold Rush. We also went to a Comedy Club one night which was pretty good some of them were just starting out so were working on their scripts and others had obviously been going for a while. There were some who could have a career from it and it was a pretty good night apart from one act who pretty much left the whole room in silence wanting him to leave. On the last day we visited the shore line as there were lots of little shops there and we got the train back to Vancouver which was really nice, a lot of room and they showed a film on it as well which was good. But that was it from Seattle it was ok for the time we were there no rain which was nice but I definitely think we had the amount of time needed to see it all as it was pretty quiet.
Short entry for Seattle :) x
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