We arrive in Windy wellington after a 3-4 hour rocky, ferry journey (puke!) and check into our hostel (upgraded again!). We are still with our friends, Charlotte and Sophie, and we meet up with Tony aswell, another one of our little family! Our night was strange as its easter weekend, and the opening ours were very funny!we went for a few drinks in the hostel bar, then had to get kicked out and come back in in ten minutes because of the easter opening hours!very strange. so we go off to bed and have a lovely fire alarm around 1am-always pleasant! the next day we decide to check out the museum which was very good, but panda had to leave just after arriving when her hangover kicked in full throttle! A few hours passed and we were reunited with bum chum kate and her friend kim who was here for a 2 week holiday! The drinks started to flow and we danced the night away meeting absolutley everyone in the hostel bar as no other places were open thanks to easter!! the next day was spent having lunch at a cafe, napping and watching films-very exciiting! And yet another night of drinking.....oh dear.
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