Hello ma girlies!!! Ah, just read all your blog posts for the south island. Panda, that is absolutely hilarioius about your rucksack, of all people to pick on!!! Hehe. Can imagine your reaction too. It sounds like you've been having soo much fun. Gutted I couldnt do it with you though :( Am hoping the group I get is just as good as yours. Well, you should be living it up in Fiji by now, you're moveing further and further away from me now which is a lil scary. Hope you have a fabulous time and shall speak to you both when you hit LA hopefully. Love you long time and miss you lots xxxxxx
Grandad And Grandma Loud
Seem to have lost track a bit since you went to NZ. Reckon you'll need a year in detox when you get back. How did you get all this nerve to bungee jump etc. Must be good booze over there. Anyway have a great time, and look forward to your return. Fondest love, Grandma and Grandad
Kim Warren
Hiya, Have you pair actually woken up without a hangover yet?? ha ha!! Sounds great so far. Can you put on here somewhere your travel plans, (they might be on here but i cant think where!!) let me know where you are due to be and when??
look forward to reading more...
x x x
Auntie Kimbo
G'day Jo Jo (and Paula) hope that your experience is still bonza. What a shame that you had to lose the others. Look after each other and let me know whats happening in home and away!!! Not sure how far ahead you are!! Let me know if anything drastic happens to any of the charactors!! Cant wait to see pix from Fiji....wow..ripper!!. Hope it really IS Paradise!! Hows the ozzie accent?? Are you ending all sentences on the up?? You having lots of snags on the bahbie?? make the most of the time you have left there. See you sometime when you back.... love Auntie Kimbo etc. x x x x x
Mum And Dad Loud
Good luck to both of you and carry on enjoying yourselves. Looking forward to seeing you in June.