We stopped off at another Seal Colony on the drive up to Picton ferry port. There were easily over a hundred seals, by far the most we've seen at any of the stops we've done. And on the drive up the coastline, we could see loads in the sea and sat on the rocks. That was another nice drive along the coastline.
Me, Therese and Craig decided to do a hike today rather than go straight to Wellington with the tour bus. So we dropped our bags at the ferry terminal, walked back into Picton town for some lunch, then set out on our hike into Queen Charlotte Sounds. It was so hot today though and the walk was exposed to the sun a lot of the time, so it made it really hard work. But it was well worth it, the views were spectacular. We walked for about 1 hour and 45 minutes to a lookout and sat there for a while taking pictures of the stunning scenery. The waters are blue and green and then there's lots of these lush green hilly islands. It's got to be one of the best things we've done in NZ and we nearly didn't do it.
We powered through the walk back and then went to get some food before going for our ferry across to Wellington at 7pm. We were shattered after our walk, so just chilled out on the ferry. We've got extra tight now and instead of buying a coffee, we took a cup of hot water, sneaked some milk and then put our own coffee and sugar in from our food bag!
They played a couple of films on the ferry, G-Force and Alice in Wonderland, but we were playing Trivial Pursuit on my phone which Craig won 3 times! Then me and Craig had an intense game of Scrabble!
We didn't arrive in Wellington until about 10.45pm, and by the time we got to our YHA Hostel is was about 11.30pm. Straight to bed!
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