Saturday we arrived in Phnom Penh at 7:00 after a interesting night, we boarded our bus to find it was a 'sleeper' which had little cabins with beds in, we managed to sleep which was great but it was very very very cramped! We got off our bus and booked some tickets for 12:00 to head to Ho Chi Minh City, this gave us enough time to head to the Killing Fields. During 1975 to 1979 the Khmer Rouge arrested and eventually executed almost everyone suspected of connections with the former government or with foreign governments, as well as professionals and intellectuals, a lot of innocent people were also forced to confess to crimes they did not commit before being executed, it is estimated that around 2 million people were killed. There are 20, 000 mass graves around Cambodia, we visited Choeung Ek thought to be the largest genocidal centre with still human bones littering the site, we walked the site with a audio guide which gave an insight into what happened there and how the people were brutally killed, it was very interesting. After, we got a tuk tuk back to the bus station to catch our coach to Ho Chi Minh, 7 hours of driving later and a fairly easy border crossing we arrived in Vietnam!!
- comments
DaddyP Did it feel eerie?