06/19/21 We drove 152 miles to a KOA in Ogallala NE. Very nice campground with great staff. We typically book one night in advance of where we currently are staying. We are experiencing campgrounds that are fully booked but usually on the weekends or near bigger cities. This campground only had one campsite left when we booked it and nearby campgrounds were fully booked. We had to unhook the car because our site is short but it gave us a chance to explore. Shannon and I drove to Lake Mcconaughy and around town. We ordered take out from a local restaurant and went to DQ for their new Thin Mint blizzard. Shannon got her first doggy cup of vanilla ice cream. (Yep she is my dog because she loved it.) It was good for both of us to take a diversionary break from the constant pattern of driving each day to a new campground and then doing nothing else. Another thunderstorm in the early evening but only lightning and rain.
- comments
Christine Mekdsy Good reading your latest comments. Think of you often and wishing you every night a safe trip to your next destination. Today, Fathers' Day, Norm and Julie are coming over. BTW, you know her car was stolen out of RI Hospital parking lot. Well, Norm found it in a parking lot a few streets away with a broken windshield. Obviously someone took it for joyrides, then brought it back to the lot. They must have jump-started it. Anyway, ;you probably know this already, bcuz I think you keep in touch with Norm. All for now. Love and miss ya On another note, Brian, Viviane, and the kids are in Plymouth, Massachusetts today (and were yesterday) due to a hockey tournament Josh is in, so we won't be seeing them today. He did call and wish Mitch a Happy Fathers' Day though. And, of course, I sent Brian a card. (My exciting life). Made my usual trip to Pawtucket yesterday, but I stayed only an hour after I did some household chores for her. Can't really take any more than a few hours. Anyway, Bob and Dora were there the day before. All for now, no exciting news at this end of the world. All is well and healthy, knock on wood. P.S. Glad Shannon is doing better. Continue to have a safe, uneventful trip.
Lori and Ken Diane, we just got home and are catching up on your blog. So sorry things have worked out like this for you and Shannon... You put soooo much time and effort into this journey, I'm glad you had some of the experiences you were hoping for, and now wish you a safe trip home. I know you miss your road family, but we will be looking to welcome you back home! Best of luck on the rest of the journey Diane :)