Well it was bound to happen. Travelling in south east Asia for that long and your bound to get ill.. Just weird that it's not me.. Lucked out there!
Travelling with a sick person isn't all that fun.! Lugging around two peoples stuff between hostels.. And trying to sort out accommodation. Checking in surprisingly didn't take as long as I recall my times waiting in A&E.. However customer care doesn't really exist in Asia, they will literally wait till you are falling out of bed till they help..
Well the ward Jordan's on isn't quite categorised as it is in the UK he's sharing a ward with 60-90 year olds.. Who don't look that great.. Well at least it makes a change for the nurses and gives them something to look at!
Getting to the hospital was about of a pig! Although by cab it takes about 5 minutes to get to the hospital, it's taken on average an hour 15 to get there by bus.. Having to catch two busses and waiting for the most unreliable bus service ever! Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't 36 degrees outside!
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