Finally I have a day where I dont have to get up at 7am or earlier to catch a bus! I finally hav a day where i can have a lie in and not sit on a bus! However so much for my lie in, by 8am i was wide awake so just decided to get up! After showering I went a bought meself some bread and went to the tourist information place to find out what i should do today. Then I went back to the hostel and had some breakfast. While i was sitting there i thought i'd just fone home for a wee chat, talked to me Mum, Dad and Joanna for about an hour and a half, so much catching up to do lol!
So after I was ready I went for a walk and pretty much walked for most of my day. I started off at the park at the bottom of my road, Kuirau Park. From the outside it just looks like a regular park, but when u go in there are loads of areas with geothermal activity! It is the newest place in Rotorua to have geothermal activity come to the surface which is pretty cool. So I wandered round there looking at all the different parts, even got to dip my feet in a pool heated by geothermal energy!
After that I walked down to St Faiths Church. This church is famous for the window they had put in of Jesus wearing a Maori cloak and as the window looks our over Lake Rotorua, it looks like Jesus is walking on water. It actually felt quite a spiritual place and i sat there for a while just thinking and looking about. It looked just like a church pack home but had all the Maori carvings in it making it look so amazing!
I then walked over a hill, giving great views over Lake Rotorua and ended up at the lake side. I stopped in a wee cafe for some lunch as i forgot to bring any with me. So i had some macaroni cheese, but its a bit weird here as they put peppers (or capsicums as they call them here?!) in it, still liked it tho :) After a bit of rest at lunch i walked along the lake edge, through some foresty areas (which look so dry its no wonder they have bush fires here) and some more geothermal areas towards the Government Gardens.
The Government Gardens used to be a big spa area back in the Victorian day and are still being used today. So I took some photos of the buildings and then had the toss up of going to the museum for $12 or a swim in the Blue Baths for $11. I decided to do the swim as it looked really cool and old style from the outside. When i bought my ticket the girl said oh there are lessons on just now but there is a lane for public swimming and i thought this would be fine. So I went in and there was one wee boy of mayb about 10 in the lane but i just swam round him, however every time i went past he ducked under water! Not entirely sure wot he was doing and am hoping he wasnt perving but then again he is a guy lol! The pool was lovely. It was outdoors which i didnt expect but it was heated thermally and was just at a lovely warm temperature. They also played old music, a bit of jazz and that so I loved it! But anyway a few more kids joined my lane and then one turned up with a giant blow up crocadile, so I just gave up. Was gutted cause I was only in there for half an hour at most!
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