Well.... first impressions when we arrived yesterday were to run away (or swim away !!!!!) the hotel is pretty rough!!!! we were taken to our room which is really nasty!!!! and then we were shown around the hotel. Where the guests stay is aright is suppose and the food is really good. lisa is a vegetarian and ive tod them i am too cuz you know how fussy i am about food!!! So he cooks us seperate amazing meals which he really doesnt have to do but he is so nice which is strange for a chef!!!
After about an hour of setting in and sorting out our room we came round a bit and aughed the horrible stuff off! We have hung a tiger print rug on the wall (which they expected me to use as a duvet!!!!!!) and we have moved a bit off furnature around and had a clean and now i dont mind our wee room at all!! Apparenty its the worst room of them a which is kind of a relief cuz things can only get better!!!! There is a new part to the hotel opening up in 10 days and once that happens we will be moved to a different room i think, but so far im quite content. We ahve air con and a wardrobe and a dresser and drawers which is amazing for a backpacker!!! Being able to unpack all our stuff makes it alot more cosy.
So we arrived yesaterday and were told just to chill out and sette in and then we started work today!!! So i start at 7am so i go down and get breakfast at about 6.30 (they dont have tetleys!!!!) and then i go to the laundry room and put a few washed on and then clean the staff parts and then go back to laundry and hang the stuff out and put a new wash on and then go get a list from reception which tells me what rooms need what doing, like if peope are checking out then the whole room needs a deep clean or sometimes its just changing sheets or a quick tidy. All the time going back to the laundry to fold or hang out washing of put a new load on. I work until 3pm and then thats me for the day which is quite nice, even though im knackered!! Honestly.... its SO hot up here!!! Even the locals cant handle it!!!! I had a shower toady after work and then walked o the shop (which is about from our house to breens) and i was dripping with sweat!!!!!! Im drinking SOOOO much water but i just dont think its ever enough in this heat!!!
The island is VERY small. Ive been told it woud take just under an hour to walk around but yet it has a population of around 3,000!!!!!!!! About 80% of the peope who like on the island are black and we have been told that they are all on the dole and that they are not very friendy! But sometimes Australians are very racest so i dont know if thats true.
Im really hoping i can stick it out for 6 weeks which i think i will. Its just SO we paid!! We get neary $600 a week and incudes all our food and accomodation!!! I woud be lucky to earn $500 a week in a a city and then i woud have to pay rent and food which would end up about $200 a week!!! plus there is NOTHING to do on the island so i cant go out and spend any money, whichmeans i should be ok for christmas new year and my trip to Thailand in Jan to meet mike and jules. I know it wi do my head in but i just need to keep thinking of the money and that it is only for 6 weeks which is nothing in the grand scheme of things!!!
Ive taken some photos but Cowry (Japanese gir i work with....... definatey not how you spe her name!!!!!!!) 's aptop wont et me upoad them. Im going to the library on monday whicj im tod has 3 pcs, so fingers crossed. It is beautiful. There is a big balcony which looks out onto the most beautiful view of the ocean and all the surrounding islands. Apparently there are crocs and sharks and we have been told not to swim at dawn or dusk, but we have also been tod that they will not bother us as we are in an ocean full to the brim with fish, so they are very we fed!!!
Missing you all loads!!!!
Write back and let me know the goss.
love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your little scrubber... Kim xxxxx
PS Cowrys l key doesnt work and every time i need to type an l i have to copy and paste it in which is a pain in the butt so sorry if a few are missing...... i havnt got dumb, its just this stupid keyboard!!!!!!
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