Well we arrived safely in Cairns yesterday. The roadtrip was SOOOOOO good. We got a big camper van which could have fit 5 people but it was just me, sam and lisa (a girl from our old hostel), so there was plenty of room. We called him Bruce and then realised that the main highway which we were driving on up to Cairns on was called the Bruce highway!!!! FATE!!!!! It was so nice to get driving again!!! Lisa has a license but she is scared of driving so it was just me and sam sharing the driving, which was completely fine. We drove for about 6 hours each day andf stopped at nice places on our way.
We picked the car up at about 10am on Saturday morning and drove to a place called 'Noosa' for lunch where i had my first swim in the Australian sea!!!!!! Its SOOOO nice there. I cant wait to spend more time there on our way back down. then we got backon the road and drove to a place called 1770 which was the first town founded in Australia (in 1770 obviously!!) We had heard REALLY good reports about this place, but we thought it was pretty average when we arrived. It was maybe because we didnt arrive til late and we couldnt find anywhere to eat and we were all pretty tired as we had been out the night before for halloween. So we eventually found somewhere to eat and then parked up and spent our first night in Bruce, which was surpisingly comfy. We were on the road again by 8am and drove to a place called 'Mackay' where we had a BBQ and stayed the night. It was so nice. We sat ont he beach til about 10.30pm and then hit the sack to get up at 5am the next morning to catch the sunrise, but we missed it!! DOH! We were on the road again by 7am ish and drove to 'Mission Beach' and were there for about 4pm so we had another BBQ (which again was AMAZING) and sat on the beach again drinking Goon, which is what all the backpackers drink. Its basically boxed wine, but its like $10!!!!! We got up at about 4am that morning so we would def catch the sunrise. It was AMAZING!!!!! It was also sams birthday that day so we decorated the bus for her with ballons etc!! We sat on the beach for about an hour with a brew watching the sunrise. Was well worth getting up for!! So we were then on the road again for about 6.30am and drove to Cairns!! All the way up here there had been adverts for a website called and we decided to check it out when we got to Cairns and ended up getting a hotel for $35 dollars each!!!!!! Which is only about $10 more that a hostel and because it was sams birthday we thought it would be a nice treat. Its really nice!! Not sharing a room with about 6 other people!!! I think when i get back im gonna have real trouble sleeping in a room on my own!!
We have found a good working hostel which we are moving into on Friday in order to get work. Basically its just a hostel for people on work visas and they guarantee to get you work. It will be some kind of fruit picking/[packing job which is gonna be so funny!!!
Right ive gotta head on as we are hungry (just for a change!!!)
Am missing you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are all well
Lots of love from OZ!!!!!!!!!!!
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