Well i got my new laptop!!!!
Its AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its SO small!!! But it has a the things i need!! I love it! Everyone is extremely jealous! :-)
Well my plan is to leave here on the 21st, BUT..... i looked at flights a week ago and there was 1 for $99 but i didnt have time to book it so when i went back on yesterday it was $398!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i had to book it or else it would have gone and ii would have been stuck here for Christmas! BUT the guy who i worked for on the boat is taking his boat to Cairns to see family for Christmas and is leaving on the 18th/19th. He is a nice guy and i get on with him quite well, so when he gets back from his charter today im going to ask him if i can tag along and then turn my flight into vouchers (which i've already checked with quantas) and use the vouchers to buy my return ticket from Thailand!!!! (which i still havnt bought yet!!) All this sounds like such an amazing plan, but its just if Bob has no objections to me going with him?!?!!? Its a 12 berth boat, so i dont see how it could be a problem!?!!?!?! So keep your fingers crossed!!!!
Not much has really happened in the past while. Ive just been working stupid hours!!! Im covering the bar for lisa because she is away on the charter with bob. I REALLY hate working in the bar! Its split shifts which are horrible and the locals just get on my nerves! (apart from this 1 old boy called uncle reggie!!!! Hes so cool!! He used to be a pirate!!!!!!!!! He has a long grey beard which he ties in a plait!!! He tells me tales of the sea and stuff!) But im back to housekeeping on sunday which is good. Early mornings, but finishing at 3 is SO good, plus i dont have to use ANY people skills!! :-)
I put up the hotel Christmas tree yesterday!!!! It was WEIRD!!! Its not Christmassy AT ALL here! Im hoping that when i get back with Sam it will feel a little more like Christmas...... not too much tho or else I'll get homesick!!
Well im gonna go on because I've gotta start work in 10 minutes! BOO!! I'll let you know how it goes with my transport down to Cairns!
Love you all lots and miss you millions!!!!!!!!!!
Let me know how you are and what your up to. Its so nice to hear news from home.
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