Well i got back on TI on Tuesday and im SO glad to be back!!
I did have a REALLY good time, but it was SO draining!! The people were so dull and the early morning were horrible!! But i got to see some AMAZING things!
We only really got to get off the boat 2 or 3 times, but the views were amazing!
Ive kept a captians log!! So im gonna write it up properly and then put it online because at the minute it reads in very angry scrawly writting 'I HATE BIRD WATCHERS!' Ha!
I had to help clean out the boat yesterday (Wednesday) and then i have a day off today which is nice. Its really strange because i was only here for 3 days before i went on the boat but when we came back i was so happy and loads of people i didnt even realise that i knew that well were so happy to see me back and asking me how it all went. It was so nice. I think because its such a small island, people form quite close bonds... especially when there is new blood on the island!!!!
Im enjoying working here alot cuz i get up early and work hard but then i finish at 2 so i have the rest of the day to chill or whatever. Ive just found out there is a gym on the island AND an olympic sized swimming pool!!!!!!!!! So im going to register today to get motivated. Im not spending any money (well the odd icecream here and there) which is good because i want to save loads for christmas and thailand!! Everyone at the hotel gets drunk after work, but i am the big loser who would rather have a cup of tea and a tim tam (the best biscuit in the world!!) and head to bed early!!! To be fair... ive to get up at 6am every morning and clean peoples toilets so a hangover would just NOT be a good idea!!!
Im going on atour of the island today as ive not even seen it properly and Janine (my boss) is lending us a car!! Luckily sophie (a girls who works in the kitchen has her day off today aswell. So im gonna get going, but i will get back on tomorrow and to a better update of my boat trip!!
Love you all millions!!!!!!!!!
Let me know your goss and what youve been up to!!
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