Hey folks,
This is my last entry from Quito! I must say this has not been the greatest week we've had here, I don't know whether its because we've done everything the city has to offer or whether we just want to move on? It didn't help that we encountered some of the most rude people so far ( I take back what I said about Ecuadorian manners in a previous entry!). If you want to find out more, I suggest you read helen's blog - I'm not even going to go there.
Our other unfortunate experiences this week included getting hit by beggars bowls in Otavalo market, watching the cutest dog get mauled to death by an alsation (yes I did cry & yes it was the worst thing i've ever witnessed!), getting food poisioning & having the tiniest ever bathroom at the same time....not pleasant for me but even worse for poor helen who had to listen to me throwing up (sorry, mate!). We've both suffered boughts of homesickness too this week.
There are numeorus other things that have got on my nerves this week, the fact that wherever I go I can smell the rankiest meat cooking (I wouldn't even be surprised if it was dog or rat or something!). Food, is really getting on my nerves, theres just f**k all I can eat! Even helen's having veggie days now, that must be saying something! I would literally kill for a cup of tea & marmite on toast, its that bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We never made the trip to the school becasue I was sick but we did visit the 'El Pancillio' (the angel on the hill in the attached photo), which had the best views of the city. So our last few hours are counting down, we hope to reach Lima by 9am friday morning (Peru time - I have no idea wot that is in the UK, sorry). We've already decided we need some western civilastion so are def going to see the pirates of the carribean this weekend ( I know we're ment to be experiencing other cultures, but seriously we need some normality from home before we tackle those Incas!).
Well thats it folks, adios Ecuador & hola Peru!
Love to all,
Kerry xxx
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