The big pre 30 in Rio!
Ok, so I ain't left Norwich yet but seeing as this epic journey begins in little over 2 hours I thought I'd better let you know where I hope to be and when! So the next three and half months should go something a bit like this:
19th May - Fly from LHR to Quito, Ecuador.
22nd - 28th May - Sail around the Galapagos Islands!
8th June - Leave Quito for Lima, Peru.
11th - 18th June - Trek Macchu Picchu!
19th - 25th June - Stay in Cuzco for festival of light.
End of June to end of July - Travel through Bolivia, flying onto Brazil at the end of July.
August - Travel around Brazil celebrating both mine & Helen's birthdays!!!
25th August - Leave Rio de Janero for LHR (arriving back 26th August)!
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