So we've just got back from 3 day up north in a market town called Otavalo. We arrived thursday afternoon & the temperature was surprisingly cooler than Quito (I didn't realise this so was inappropiately dressed all weekend as we decided to take just a few clothes in our day packs rather than lug about our massive backpacks).
Our hostel La Luna which looked idillac online was so far out of the town it was kinda a joke (it was meant to be a 25min walk but it took us over an hour when we finally escaped)! Don't get me wrong it was very traditonal & quaint but it just wasn't for us, we went there to shop & La Luna WASN'T by the markets. After dinner & a scary incident we decided to go to bed in the hope morning would arrive quicker so we could head off for civalisation! But our room was freezing, there was at least a 2inch gap under our door, the bedding felt damp it was that cold - so the only thing we could do was go to bed fully clothed & together! Actually it was that cold I put extra stuff on! After a horrendous night we missed breakfast and headed on down the mountains in search of other gringos & food.
We checked into a hotel pretty central to the town and by luck when we woke up Saturday morning the market had been laid out infront of our hotel & the surrounding streets, so by chance we were smack bang in the middle of it. Result! We spent the entire day shopping. Heaven. Bought some cool stuff & only tried to get ripped off once, so it was quite a good day. The market was a total reality check, the people dressed almost all in traditonal dress, the woman carry their children on their backs (no prams here!), families were walking around with their purchases under one arm & a live chicken under the other!!! Got a bit of hassle from a couple of beggars, one hit me with her bowl & the other started pulling my clothes! It was a very poor town & even paying for stuff they don't have the money to give you change, I know it sounds a bit harsh but its annoying after a while, when all you want to do is pay for something & they're having a fit because you've given them a $20 note. Ok, can you tell I'm missing home today?
Back in Quito now after another amusing bus ride (I swear its sheer luck that we get on & off the damn things in the right place - nowheres signposted at all). Gotta go but loads more to tell, I'll update again soon.
Love Kerry xxxxx
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