Kevin and Joannie on tour
Despite being travel weary, Joan was up by 4am and Kevin by 6am. There was a near full moon and its light reflected over Lago Llanquihue. We ate breakfast on the balcony before walking from Playa Chico where we are staying into Puerto Varas proper. The beach and roads were quiet.
We have been to Lago Llanquihue twice before. Once on our honeymoon and again in 2009. On both occasions it was cloudy and we could not see the two famous volcanoes here, the conical Osorno and Calbuco. On our honeymoon we got fleeting glimpses through cloud but in 2009 there was just low cloud: ch?updated-min=2009-01-01T00:00:00-03:0 0&updated-max=2010-01-01T00:00:00-0 3:00&max-results=23
However today the views were picture perfect. Our cabana sits under Calbuco. Calbuco has been restless this year and erupted in April and May 2015. pr/30/chile-calbuco-volcano-third-erupt ion
In fact, one inadvertent walker caught the exact moment it erupted on video: ct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video &cd=10&cad=rja&uact=8&v ed=0ahUKEwjAnffVtvnJAhXFFpAKHeiVDzwQtwI IOTAJ& .com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1DmiIdyyuD8&usg= AFQjCNH7P0DxaEEKn4CG83M1EIxR0B2PkA& bvm=bv.110151844,d.Y2I
Today both volcanoes were serene.
Puerto Varas is known as the city of roses, founded in 1852 by German settlers. The teutonic influences pervade the town, with wooden houses and churches that could be at home in Bavaria. Our cabana complex has its own restaurant "Die Hutte", serving Schweinbratten, Kassler chops, Goulasch and pancakes.
We found a curious museum with a cuckoo clock house on the front but it was closed. By the time we reached town things were livening up. We ate lunch at a busy restaurant near the front – pancakes with creamed veggies.
Heading back the 3 km to our cabanas the beaches were filling up and buses were shuttling along the prom bringing sun worshippers in from nearby Puerto Montt.
We enjoyed looking at all the Christmas pictures of friends back home on Facebook, caught up with the blog and eventually ate a Christmas dinner of artichoke pie, cheese stuffed potatoes, asparagus and cheese sauce with onion rings.
We have been to Lago Llanquihue twice before. Once on our honeymoon and again in 2009. On both occasions it was cloudy and we could not see the two famous volcanoes here, the conical Osorno and Calbuco. On our honeymoon we got fleeting glimpses through cloud but in 2009 there was just low cloud: ch?updated-min=2009-01-01T00:00:00-03:0 0&updated-max=2010-01-01T00:00:00-0 3:00&max-results=23
However today the views were picture perfect. Our cabana sits under Calbuco. Calbuco has been restless this year and erupted in April and May 2015. pr/30/chile-calbuco-volcano-third-erupt ion
In fact, one inadvertent walker caught the exact moment it erupted on video: ct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video &cd=10&cad=rja&uact=8&v ed=0ahUKEwjAnffVtvnJAhXFFpAKHeiVDzwQtwI IOTAJ& .com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1DmiIdyyuD8&usg= AFQjCNH7P0DxaEEKn4CG83M1EIxR0B2PkA& bvm=bv.110151844,d.Y2I
Today both volcanoes were serene.
Puerto Varas is known as the city of roses, founded in 1852 by German settlers. The teutonic influences pervade the town, with wooden houses and churches that could be at home in Bavaria. Our cabana complex has its own restaurant "Die Hutte", serving Schweinbratten, Kassler chops, Goulasch and pancakes.
We found a curious museum with a cuckoo clock house on the front but it was closed. By the time we reached town things were livening up. We ate lunch at a busy restaurant near the front – pancakes with creamed veggies.
Heading back the 3 km to our cabanas the beaches were filling up and buses were shuttling along the prom bringing sun worshippers in from nearby Puerto Montt.
We enjoyed looking at all the Christmas pictures of friends back home on Facebook, caught up with the blog and eventually ate a Christmas dinner of artichoke pie, cheese stuffed potatoes, asparagus and cheese sauce with onion rings.
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