Leaving Mamallapuram after two days was a tough decision, the town is peaceful and calm and well set up for backpackers but that isnt why we came to india and Mamallapuram for all its good points is a little touristy.
Must give a shout out to a good chap by the name of Naseef who we met in the town, a Indian chap from Scotland who could speak french, Naseef you got it easy mate. Hope we can catch up again further down the line.
Off to Puducherry we headed, complete with everything except our oracle, our savoiur, our shining light, our........ Lonely Planet guide book to South India. Nic realised an our after we left town and while we prayed it would be in our bags we pictured it back in our last room.
You cant travel in India without a guide book!
Bus arrives in town, where are we? where are the hotels? where is an internet cafe so we can figure out where we are?
A nice hotel later (ashram) and a lucky find in a random book store and we were back to evens, not forgetting me leaving Nics holiday diary in an internet cafe. (I thought i was in for a quick divorce)
Puducherry was a french colonial town with a seafront promenade for romatic walks with hundreds of eyes staring at the pair of us as I walked along in my new purchased 'Lungee' (A long skirt, sorry boys but its dam confortable)
We might have stayed longer in Puducherry had the manager been a little bit nicer when asked if we could extend our stay he told us to come back the next day and "we will see" nah sorry mate we're off to Tiruvannamalai.
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