Day 160 - 170
Auntie Paula and I went to Dhulikel, in the mountains for 2 days. Beautiful views, breakfast on the terrace, early nights. She made me do another giant hike. I complained. And then she left and life resumed as normal. Due to difficulties at the girls' school, they are now home-schooled by me. Which means I can't get out to do any voluntary work and tempers are all a bit frayed. I give them 4 hours of schoolwork each a day - science, Maths, reading and creative writing. We start about 7am each day when there are usually power cuts and not much else to do. Fern will sit and work through all tasks and really enjoys everything that is asked of her. She thrives on one-to-one attention. Clover can barely get through the first one before being totally distracted. In the middle of one lesson, she wandered off and cut herself a fringe with the kitchen scissors. Another time I put her in my bedroom to work quietly and when I went to check on her she was painting her teddies paws with nail polish. During a crossword puzzle, when I read the clue 'somebody who is loved and adored by everyone', Fern thought about it carefully. Clover shouted 'Justin Bieber'. The answer was idol. I now admire school teachers in a way I never thought possible and I pity the ones she has had for the last 3 years. She is a real management problem, lovely as she is. Maybe I'm just a crap teacher. I am also trying to cram in some exercise each day, today it is rock climbing. They climb, I watch. The sun is still shining in Kathmandu and is about 25 degrees each day - but at night - cold! Well, not Scotland cold, but it can get down to 4 or 5 degrees. We've had to get extra blankets. Our lovely Australian friends are leaving soon (sob) and we will be alone once more. Only 3 weeks till Daddy arrives! We're trying to feel Christmassy and were very grateful to be sent advent calendars. It's weird having December in the sunshine. I think we'll buy a Christmas tree and try hard to get into the festive spirit, which is tricky in a non-Christian country.
Have accidentally dyed my hair ginger so am pretty much housebound these days, or certainly hat-clad. Rufus got a severe electric shock off the TV. The hoover blew up. I got robbed by an ATM which says it gave me cash but didn't. Fern has a boil on her stomach. My tenants are moving out early. Am running out of money. Leslie Nielsen died. I'm a bit homesick and fed-up just now so I fear this blog is decidely miserable. I'll quit while I'm ahead.
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