Day 106
Rufus arrived safely! And ridiculously thrilled with himself, having got there by private helicopter across the world's most amazing mountain range. He was nearly in tears when he called, having landed precariously on the lower side of Everest with his two startled and equally insecure new best friends, who he fully intends to ditch later this evening. Of course I listened intently for 5 minutes before ruining his story by telling him how I had spent the afternoon at Kilroy's drinking beer with Scotland's best mountaineer, an amazing man from near Inverness who has summitted Everest 5 times and now works as a professional guide. He was Scotland's 5th man on the mountain and has worked with Alison Hargreaves and other technically brilliant but dead people. I now have his card and we are going to become best mates over the next two weeks. I will introduce Mountaineer Scottish Sandy to Water Expert Keith, Rich American Vijay and Lovely Waiter Hari and I have a brand new gang. I have noticed my group is predominantly - no, entirely - male - but it doesn't bother me.
The teaching is going well and although I begrudge a 9am start, I am getting better at actually teaching them something. My lesson today was present continuous verbs - 'Rufus is CLIMBING a mountain. He is HAVING a great time and MEETING people. He DOESN'T HAVE a clue what he is DOING'. The girls and I have adjusted to being a single parent family and there are good moments, such as cooking dinner together and watching DVD's at night. The power cuts are getting worse - much more frequent but we have learned how to manage them. Last night a man walked past our house shouting something - I asked my friend Hari what he was saying and discovered he was collecting empty beer bottles. 'I have some!' I cried. We called him up to the front door and the poor man looked staggered at the two sacks full of glass bottles (mostly wine) that we had tried to hide on the terrace and pretend were somebody elses. I thought I had to pay the man to remove them but he paid me to take them! What a great system. Hari had to help him out onto the street with the sackloads and I think he broke his back going down the street.
Rufus called from 3500m saying he was exhausted but really happy. I am just waiting for the immortal words 'am heading for the top'. Good for him, we are all very proud.
The festival of Dashain is here, the biggest and best on the Hindu calendar and the streets are full of sad and scared looking goats who are being taken to be sacrificed. I have declined many kind offers to watch the execution but have accepted kind gifts of fruit on bamboo leaves from strangers. My sister arrives tonight and am sure will enjoy goat curry.
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