Katya's latest entry
Bangkok, Thailand
Day 270
This will be my last blog. We go home soon and I've pretty much said everything I want to say. So here are my final words on my year (9 months) of adventure with my family. It's been wonderful and I highly recommend it. Everyone should go travelling with their kids, you get to see them and know them in a way that is impossible …
Julie I really enjoyed reading your blog and it made me chuckle. Sorry about your hair though. I hope it soon corrects itself. I have a friend living in Kathmandu and a least I now know I can send Haribo sweets to the children!
re: Kathmandu, NepalShankar Dhakal I m really happy to see this blog about me kethya. i m really pleased with you. thank you regards to all of u.
re: Gorkha, Nepalgillian I know that look...
re: photo from 09 December 2010