10. Quaquaversal (adj.)
Origin: Latin
Moving or happening in every direction instantaneously.
SCULPTING!!!!! Super excited about this attraction! Right up my alley. Popped on my special effects makeup spectacles and got right up in there faces. Surprisingly I didn't feel like a complete looney getting so close and personal because everyone does.
Apparently that's accepted at places like this. Some of the wax sculptures were amazing and some not so much. It was a bit creepy sometimes though because at a distance they looked the spitting image. Then when you get up closer you second guessed yourself wondering who the hell it was again.
Even my bae Bey' was there taking everyone through the whole process of creating a fully sized replica. She was pretty dope! And knew her stuff.
Just casually mingling with MJ, the royal family,ET, Stevie Spielberg, Benedict Cumcumberpatch, just to name a few. It was also great to catch up with Ange see what she's been up to since I last saw her in Aus.
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