Yesterday a group of 8 of us from the stray bus hopped off at rotorua after visiting hobbiton. Rotorua is famous for it's geothermal hot pools formed above the volcanoes. They say you can smell rotorua before you can see it! This is definitely true, it stinks! The hot pools release sulphur so there is a constant smell of eggy farts! We stayed here for 2 nights and got to know each other really well (again I was with my Austrian friends Tamara and Sandra). In the evening we all cooked Mexican together and then sat in the lounge for hours playing the game '30 seconds.' We had so much fun! We were in stitches of laughter all night. The next morning a few of the guys were hopping back on the bus to go to the east coast (not part of my pass) so we had breakfast together and waved them off! The remaining 4 of us (me, Tamara, Sandra and Erik) all went for a long walk around the geothermal hot pools and had a picnic in the park. The hot pools are incredible to look at, they are bubbling away and steaming as the water is so hot. There was one part we could put our feet into which was lovely and warm. This is not somewhere I would want to live however as I couldn't stand the smell!! Tomorrow we hop back onto the bus for another cultural experience visiting a school. I have about 1 week left on my stray tour roughly, it's going so fast!
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