We have spent most of the day traveling. Got on a train in Lucerne Which took us to Zurich we changed trains to go to Munich. This is when the debacle started. We ran down to the carriage we had reserved seats on with the Swiss conductor yelling at us. We got on and people were sitting on our reserved seats and seemed unwilling to move, the carriage did not seem to have any air conditioning , we eventually got seats but not ours. Then people got on an wanted Gerard and Wendy to move as they had also booked seats and Gerard and Wendy were sitting in them. Gerard said he wouldn't move till he could get in his seat. Then the train stopped and everyone started piling out. There were lots of stories going around including that there was 60 min wait then we would be on our way. We decided to wait and moved to a better carriage with good air con. We were patting outselves on the back very happy with our new digs when the people that had left the train started coming back then another announcement in German and everyone started running someone told us that our train was going nowhere and we had to get off. They certainly were party trains with guys in leiderhausens drinking jagermeister and beer, singing drunk as skunks. So anyway we get off the train and head over to the other train which is only 3 carriages long and the one we were on was 6. Very squashy but after about 40 mins we take off again with 2 1/2 hrs still to go. Liz rang the hotel to let them know we were on our way. Then once again train is stopped apparently we are unsafe because of too many people so we have to change trains again. Now we have another 1 hour to go and hopefully will get to Munchen by 7.00 pm. We ended up arriving in Munich at 7.30 and our street that we were staying in was right outside the train station. Fantastic!! What we didn't know was that we were staying on the longest street in Munich and we were at the other end so after dragging our bags along what felt like 50 km we finally got to our hotel. Quick check in but then Liz asks about her passports and they aren't there, she calls Venice hotel and they confirm they haven't sent them because the courier company could not guarantee the timeframe for getting them there. We head off to Oktoberfest. It is amazing!!! Like a big Ekka with beer tents. The rides are higher, faster and wilder. The biggest beer hall holds 10000 people and we have to go early in the morning to line up to get a table. You can't have a beer if you don't have a table. Any way we walk around Scott buys a hat and then we head back. Never seen as many drunk people in my life.
- comments
andrew davis Sounds great? Bet the guys are sick of dragging the bags. Read in the paper that Aussies helped set a new beer drinking record for Oktoberfest.........good effort guys.