Hey Everyone!
Well it's our second night in New York City and we are really enjoying it:) Yesterday we got on our flight to New York which wasn't very good sadly as the entertainment system on the plane failed so i was very bored for about 7 hours!! Also Daniel managed to spill his orange juice in his breakfast haha! However we arrived at the hotel without any hassle and it seems to be really nice! A little bit hot which is odd but still very nice. It is in a fantastic location and we are yet to get on a subway since the airport as we just walk everywhere.
On our first night we went to Times Square which was amazing!! Just like the picture in my room lol! Then today we went on a 3 hour full island circle line cruise so we have some amazing pictures of the Satue of Liberty and Manhatten etc which you all should hopefully be able to see sometime soon...if i can ever figure out how to get them on!! After that today we went for our first Mcdonalds. They had music videos playing on the walls from projectors which was odd! It was actually quite fancy!
We then went on Maddame Tussaudes which was really quite spooky i wouldn't even go through the scary bit where people jumped out at you! They have this really weird system here of crossing the road, where when you have a green man as we would call it, pedestrians can go but so can traffic turning left! The pedestrians have right of way but it is still pretty dangerous! Which is probably why on our first night we saw a man lying in the road who had been knocked down by a taxi. But don't worry those of you who will we are careful! I (Kathleen) got some good news today as i found out that i got into Edinburgh uni woooohoo! To do Sociology and Social Policy which is what i will be doing come September if i don't get into History! So i am very very happy about that:) Anyway we are off just now and will update soon about all the exciting things we are getting up to!
Love Kathleen and Daniel xxx
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