Now I know there have been a couple of you out there concerned about my whereabouts, but rest assured, I am alive and very well!
Happy New Year to you all. Hope that you all had a great time over the festive period.
So, since I was last in touch... we arrived in Sydney on December 23rd to be greeted by the most scummy hostel, infected with cochroaches (not what one expects from a civilised country) still, we battle on.
Christmas Eve was spent getting and forgetting our bearings with pub golf. Then we spent Christmas Day at a party at someones appartment on a roof top terrace. Burnt BBQ was the order of the day (a Brit cooked it) followed by an evening of singing and merriment. Must confess, not the best way to spend Christmas, I think everyone was a little homesick. But hey, it was sunny!
And about the weather. Very changeable. When we landed it was raining! Great. So we've had glorious days, followed by terrible days.
New Year - now this was worth travelling the distance for. We got up really early on the 31st to go and camp out in the Botanical Gardens. We got THE best spot overlooking the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. The day was fantastic, great atmosphere. We weren't allowed alcohol in but we cunningly filled water bottles with gin and inserted them into pringles tubes. Job done! Then it was the fireworks - they were immense. What great way to start 2007!
We spent New Years Day boozing with the Barmy Army! They know half of Uttoxeter, even Rockin Jonny Austin got a mention. Spent much of the day discussing the merits of Uttoxeter Chip Shop Action - it really is global. They were fascinated to know that I have seen her with clothes on(!)
We have done the touristy things of course. Been to Bondi beach, avoided being eaten by a shark. We were also taken to the Blue Mountains by an Aussie guy we met in New Zealand. Seen koala bears and wombats, all the usual. What we haven't seen is many Aussies - this place is full of Brits!
So, the latest - we have a house. Sharing with 4 other folk on a complex with 20 other houses full of Brits. It's like uni but in the sun. Brilliant fun. Only downside is, I'm looking for work - suppose it has to come to us all eventually...
So a bit long winded and I haven't even told you the half of it! Loving Sydney and will update you soon. Keep your messages coming.
All the best for 2007 and looking forward to seeing you all sometime in it!
Katherine xxx
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