Today we decided to see the sights of Bangkok. Armed with a map we started to navigate the streets, however, it was much hearder than we thought as the map appeared to be missing half thh streets (always useful) Seeing us struggle, thsi Thai woman stopped us as tried to 'help'. She told us that the m,ain sights, the Grand Palace, and Wat Po were closed until 2pm as it was a big Buddist festival but if we got in a Tuk Tuk (a motorised rickshaw0 it was cost us 10 bat each to get around all day and as long as we got a Government one he would take us to all the other sights and then drop us at the Grand Palace. (10 bat is about 20p and supposedly it would normally cost 100 bat)
So we started our journey in our Tuk Tuk (a slightly hair-raising expereince as in Bangkok they drive slightly on the wild side!!) We fisrt saw the Tall budda which stands really tall and you can see it in our pictures. Then we went and saw the Lucky Budda where this man made us pray with him. We then got dragged buy our tuk tuk driver into a thai factory ( a suit shop) so he could get free gasoline (all a bit of a con) We then went to see the Sleeping Budda but we couldnt get in because the monks were praying. That was slightly annoying and awkward but then after that he dropped us off at the Grand Palace, but as it was only noon we were a bit confused because we were told it was closed till 2pm ( apparantly that was just a con, v annoying).
Annyway we went into the Grand Palace which was amazing and striking. However it was a really hot and we had to cover up so wearing a cardigan and closed toe shoes was slightly hot. It was so big we wandered round for about 2 hrs before deciding to make our way to Wat Po.
Amazingly we managed to navigate ourselves to Wat Po but when we got there it appeared to be closed (however, we found out later this was probably not true either (we seem to keep falling for rookie mistakes!) so we got in another Tuk Tuk who took us to another Buddist temple but then proceeded to take us to another Thai factory even thought we told him a millions times that we did not want to go. Eventually we gave in and agreed to go for a minute. This was slightly awkward again and i think we may have offended the shop owner because we told him we had no use for suits.
Eventually our Tuk Tuk driver took us to the Golden Mount which was pretty amazing and we saw some more monks. But when we came out our Tuk Tuk had left us. Basically in the middle of nowhere! all the other Tuk Tuk drivers would only take us if we went to another factories and we were fed up of that so we decided to walk back. Sarah managed to navigate us back to our hotel somehow! v impressive as the map was so crap!
We decide then to call it a day, but we booked onto a half day tour to see the floating markets the next day, then went back to our room, showered and went out to dinner where we ordered Green Curry thinking it would be the mildest curry (apparently it is actually the spiciest) It was sooo hot it burnt our mouths! But it was really tasty.
After our hard day we then went for a wander down the streets and market before hitting our beds.
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