Monday in Ciudad Bolivar!! This morning I was up super early for my free breakfast that I missed out on yesterday morning. Unfortunately a new group had just arrived in from the bus station (7 new Japanese tourists) and they were busy feeding them plus the others who were starting their tour today. I waited and waited and finally after an hour the lovely lady in the kitchen made me a fresh Arepa with a fried egg and sausage - the absolute perfect start to the day. I got talking to a Venezuelan guy who had just got back from his Canaima tour and he gave me some great advise about Venezuela and recommended me some nice places to visit. He even rang a friend of his who has a posada and adventure company and put us in contact so that I could get a good price when I visit. I decided to go for a walk around the city centre and maybe buy some new clothes and shoes but after looking at a few shops I was over it and instead went in search of a supermarket. Amazingly both supermarkets I found had huge lines of people out the front: I am guessing on Mondays the supermarkets are fully stocked and people are desperate to get basic supplies (the line lasted all day). For lunch I went to the roast chicken resteraunt I had visited on my first day here and got myself half a roast chicken for lunch and dinner - just incase the food is a bit light on over the next few days at the camp. The rest of the afternoon I wasted time surfing the net and trying to plan some more travels. My Japanese friends had brought some Venezuelan wine so I joined them for a few wines before heading off to bed reasonably early.
- 7 More Japanese arrive
- Supermarket lines
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