Off to Ciudad Bolivar: I managed to get some sleep lastnight and this morning I woke feeling a bit better - the stomach is still tender but atleast the rushing to the toilet has stopped. In the morning I walked around to the tourist agencies and tried to find some info out about flights inside Venezuela. I returned to the hostel around midday and made myself another batch of oatmeal porridge - which has been really good for easing my stomach pains. I then had to check-out and wait around a few hours before I could head to the bus station for my 6pm bus. When I arrived I went to the bus operators desk and he tried to tell me my ticket was not valid - which I Ofcourse argued with and in my bad Spanish told him I was getting on the bus. When it came time to board the bus everyone loaded on and there were 5 or so seats spare so I thought there would be no problem - how wrong I was. The guys from the office sold the last seats on the spot (tickets are supposed to be brought in morning) and the extras loaded on and then there was one too many on the bus. I was the only foreigner on the bus and when they collected tickets said my ticket was not valid and a fake - I wouldn't leave the bus though and they started segueing with me. The locals told me I had to get off bus and sort out, I took my things and figured that was it but to my amazement they tried to help me - maybe they felt sorry for me. However no one was going to get off bus and we had now been held up 1 hour and I think people were getting annoyed with me. I figured I would just stay another night in Santa Elena but a nice guy insisted no no you get on and sit on the hump between driver and co-driver? I had already boarded again when I figured where they wanted me to sit and that was that I was on but would be standing and sitting on the floor all night. Without getting angry I apologized to all the passengers in my poor Spanish and then they all felt sorry for me and offered me space on the floor. I can't explain just how incredible painful it is sitting on a hard floor with two sharp bottles piercing into my back but lets just say I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Within an hour we had hit the first police checkpoint and Ofcourse I was selected for random questioning but after smiling and trying to joke with officers they laughed and gave my passport back (not usually so kind to foreigners). I went back to my floor seat and the very loud Venezuelan folk music that was pumping out of the speaker - I couldn't help but think this night would never end. At around 9:30pm we made a stop at a little roadhouse for dinner and I managed to get two fried eggs for 25 cents - I nearlly fell over when they told me the price - this brought my mood back up and then two young guys asked me to join them at their table. The two guys were studying architecture at university and spoke no English but we conversed a little and they offered me a coffee and I guess made me feel at ease with the bus situation - they even offered to make extra space on their seat for me - true Venezuelan hospitality comes out. It was soon back to the bus and on with the journey.
- Off to Ciudad Bolivar
- Fake bus ticket
- Bus ride nearlly not happen - had to sit on floor
- Very friendly and kind Venezuelan guys
- My Spanish is terrible must practice and learn more
- Cheap Venezuelan food
- comments