Today I got up to use the gym early as it would probably be the last time for a while I would have the opportunity.
At about 10 we checked out of the Hotel and I made my way back to Goys place. From there I headed into the markets and changed some money and found the dodgy, non English speaking hairdresser and preceded to motion what I would like done to my hair - amazingly it turned out really well! Wondering around a bit more I found a local food market and got some pork kebabs and omelette stir fry for lunch.
I think I am still quite jet-lagged so I headed back to the house for some rest.
Tonight there were two more Couchsurfers coming to stay at Goys: Julian from Germany and Julia from Brazil. We decided to head down the markets for dinner: I went for stirfry chicken and was like always impressed. We chatted the rest of the night away and was treated to some drum playing by Julian.
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