Waking up in Rionegro on a small hobby farm surrounded by horses, dogs, birds chirping and a beautiful green landscape is exactly what I needed. We walked out Elizabeth's back door and picked guava, figs and bananas- tea? Yes please 'well pick some fresh chamomile, mint or lemon grass'. This place is truly heaven; 50 meters from the house there is a small lake full of fish that later in the week when I come back I will go fishing at. Later in the morning I did some yoga on the rear patio and then a friend of Elizabeth's came around that could speak absolutely no English, this proved to be a very difficult hour for me as Elizabeth left and I had to converse with her friend for the whole time. I got out my iPad and we used google translate, even with the translator program it was very difficult but necessary to see how important it is that I learn Spanish. For lunch Elizabeth's Aunty cooked up a wonderful red bean soup, fried pork cracklings, fried potatoes, Platano, avocado and freshly squeezed Guava juice - one of the best Colombian meals so far but like always with their lunches too much food. After lunch Elizabeth drove me down to the town and flagged down a taxi that was heading back to Medellin empty - she managed to get me a ride all the way to my hosts place in Medellin for $3 (over an hour away). The ride in was very scenic and all downhill, in Rionegro we must have been incredibly high up as we seemed to be traveling downhill all the way into Medellin which is situated in a valley. I found my way to Ana and Jesus's place very easily and some kids out the front of the building helped me find the actual apartment. I walked in and was met by a big hug a welcome and two other Couchsurfers from Germany - a lovely couple who had been traveling South America for last 6 months. We all chatted a lot and then I headed off to the supermarket to buy a few things. Where I am staying in Envigado is like much of Medellin on a hill which makes walking into an aerobic activity. When I got back we all chatted some more and then said goodbye to the German couple. Jesus and I sat up and talked Albright about his South American trip and their upcoming trip to Asia for 10 months. By midnight I was so tired I headed to bed.
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