Van ride from hell!! Today I was up early again and still having trouble adjusting to the time difference. I went for a walk to get an early breakfast before my minivan trip to Siem Reap. I found a nice old lady who sold me an omelette with salad for less then a dollar and after not having any solid protein for a while this was a nice treat. At 8am a tuktuk came and got me and took me to van companies office. I had booked a seat in the back but upon boarding was told to get in the front - thinking I had got lucky I didn't argue and jumped in only to find I had the tiny middle seat with no padding and knees smashed up against dash. What followed was 6 hours of the most hellish road I have ever witnessed, that combined with bad driving and a painfully rock hard seat made this the worst journey from memory. We made a short stop at an expensive resteraunt for lunch and instead I went to the market picking up another omelette and bean dessert. Finally by 3pm we had arrived and thankfully there was a tuktuk waiting for me to take me to Hak's Guesthouse. The boss of the guesthouse was away and the guys running it were very amateurish and from the first minute I didn't like the place. I decided to dump my things and go for a wonder - first impressions were not good but I think that has to do with little sleep, jet-lag and the obvious culture shock. I wondered the streets looking for another hostel, checking out souvenirs and getting hassled every 5m for a tuktuk. I wondered around to late in the evening and settled on another papaya salad for dinner (this one wasn't so great). I arrived back at the hostel late and nobody was really around so I made my way up to the top floor and my own private room. The shower is cold, the bathroom covered in water, the fan not that good but other then that it is a treat to finally have my own room.
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