Last Day in Siem Reap! I was up early today for my last fried eggs breakfast and to sort my things ready for the midday checkout. After paying for my room I also booked my bus ticket for tonight on the sleeper bus to Phnom Penh. The bus leaves at 12am and should arrive in Phnom Penh by around 7am. I spent most of the afternoon in the centre walking around, exploring the market one last time and grabbing lunch. There was a bit of sunshine today so I also got the chance to catch a little sun and put a stop to my disappearing tan. The rest of the day just involved waiting, surfing the net and trying not to countdown the hours. For dinner I made my way into the city centre one last time and picked up a few of my favorite foods to take back for dinner. A tuktuk came to collect me at 11pm and then I had about a 45 minute wait at the office before boarding. Unfortunately the sleeping bus wasn't as I had imagined and I had to share 1 platform with yes you guessed a quiet large, snoring guy. I literally couldn't even stretch out completely and because I had my backpacks aswell on the bed there was even less the room. 7.5 hours of this - Great!!
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