The Dreaded Food Poisoning struck in the middle of the night; at first with repeated bouts of diarrhea but soon followed with vomiting. Seen as I am staying in a one bedroom apartment with both Fernanda and her sister as soon as they woke up I had to tell them. Although slightly embarrassing it is a fact of life and feeling so comfortable with Fernanda made it very easy to talk to her about. Before Fernanda left for work she did some Reiki on me and removed a lot of heat from my body which made me feel slightly better; she also gave me Gatorade powder of which I was to drink all day in order to keep hydrated. Unfortunately I felt terrible most of the day and was running to the bathroom every 20 minutes both with diarrhea and vomiting. I ate toast to try and get some nutrients in but this also came back up with the water. By late afternoon I felt better with less visits to the bathroom so I went for a walk to use the Internet. On the way back I stopped in at the supermarket but had to leave in a hurry as once more my body desperately needed a bathroom. Basically everything I ate or drank would go straight through me and the worst thing now was there was blood in the toilet - not a lot but enough to scare me. I slept some more and when Fernanda returned chatted with her about how I was feeling and agreed if tommorow there was no improvement then I would need to go to hospital.
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