With just a few last things to do in Sao Paulo I am starting to slow down just a bit and today have no real plans. After going down the street to check my emails I returned to Fernandas for lunch and sussed out something to do for the rest of the day. I decided to walk to Ibara Park - a huge park in the centre of São Paulo rumored to be one of the nicest in South America. It was only about a 45 minute walk and when I arrived I realized it was well worth the walk with the first site being a huge lake covered in birds and teething with huge fish. I slowly wandered around the beautiful lakes and then into another area containing a lake where even more wildlife could be found. I found a nice spot and laid in the sun taking a mid afternoon nap. 2 hours later and feeling incredibly relaxed I wandered over to the big green space of the park and found a nice area under a tree to practice my yoga. What followed was a very relaxing and positive yoga session looking out over the lake that people amazingly came over to watch. When I finished I once more found a nice bench overlooking the lake and ate some fruit. At this point I met the very interesting Sandra: a Brazilian lady of 44 that had been watching me came and sat next to me and we conversed in Spanish and my 7 words of Portuguese. I couldn't help but find it suspicious and the feeling that she wanted something from me - we shared some fruit and talked the next hour about life, work and everything else we could think of. When I told her I needed to go she insisted she would walk with me and this is where things got a little strange. We walked the whole length of the park and every direction I would turn she would tell me her place was the same direction as mine. It became dark aswell and I told her I needed to hurry back, she walked faster with me and continued in my direction. At this point she told me her address and pleaded with me to join her - apparently to speak English (of which we had not spoke a word all day??). She continued insisting I join her at her house - so much so I got very nervous and made up a story I had to meet a friend. Eventually she gave up following me and told me her address one more time before taking of down one of the avenues - thank god I thought and I walked back to Fernandas incredibly quick both from the fear she would be following me and the fact it was night. On the way I was nearlly hit by a car when I crossed one of the very confusing streets here - mainly because my mind was still in crazy Sandra. I took the car incident as a lesson and slowed my walk down. When I arrived at Fernandas - Marlena (Fernandas sister was there) so we chatted a while before I mad some dinner and showered. Marlena is moving to São Paulo next week for work (bio-chemist) and will be living with Fernanda so her short visit is like a living together trial. Fernanda arrived back later and we all shared more great conversation and I learned more about rocks, crystals and energies. I started to feel stomach pains late into the night and my body was steaming hot and I feared maybe today I had got dehydrated.
- Jade rock that Macy gave me in Malaysia 1.5 years ago has been protecting me and giving me happiness
- Ibara Park - biggest and most beautiful park in South America
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