Yeeeeeee ha! I've been up to all sorts of death defying feats (don't worry mum, I'm ok!) in true NZ stylee!
Zorbing was the first on the list of excitements as this is the only place in NZ that does it, and it was such a laugh-diving into a 9ft high clear rubber ball like a superhero, chucking in some water then launching yourself off down a hill! I couldn't stop giggling!
And I've just come back from white water rafting and am a bit soggy! Got to wear a wesuit and funny little bootees (so the Americans called them) and meader down the Kaituna river, save for the odd waterfall or rapid (or 13) and a 7ft waterfall drop! in all the photos i am grinning like a loon, it was fab! (except the bit where I nearly fell out, just I just pretended I was on a horse (comes in handy sometimes!)
Rotorua stinks, it really does- its not such much a smell of sulphur as know if , more like bacon or ham and eggs and sometimes vintage Nair (vile i'm sure you'll agree if you know what I mean!). the strench wafts past every few minute just to remind you where you are!
Had some more Maori culture last night at a special hangi (feast cooked underground on hot rocks and rapped in leaves)- it was delicious, and tasted a bit smokey which lead be to believe that they did actually cook in as they said and not just in a big vat in the kitchen! There was also some traditional dancing, singing a poi dancing from the ladies, as well as a mock up of a village complete with flax skirt making and bird house type things where they stored food in gourds. The evening started off with a peace offering ceremony, with much scary noise making and tongue sticking out and waggling. Luckily Victor, our 'tribe' chief didn't start to cry and we were let in safely- it was v intimidating though and very effective I imagine and scaring people off! On the bus on the way back each country had to sing a song which was hilarious- the English one was an obscure war one that no one else knew! Thus I had my first unforgettable Russian, Austrian, French, German. Canadian and American makeshift global-vision (not just eurovision) type moment!
My feet are also happy as they have been soaked in hot sulphur baths which warmed the rest of me up in the rain! Its rained every day here and is cold! Though not as cold as old Blighty I guess?!
Thank you to everyone who has sent to lovely parcels to my poste restante address, its so exciting and I've already pigged out in proper Cadburys chocolate- the stuff here tastes wrong! And thank you for all your lovely messages, much appreciated!
Oooh, also saw some glowworms at Waitamo caves on the way here, went underground in a boat and it was like stars in a black sky, beautiful. The actual glow worms light comes form thier stomach, and they are only 2cm long and have great dangling lines of snot, 20 each, which they catch thier food with. When they become adults, they have no mouths (?! great evolutionary niche there) so either starve or get eaten by thier own children. Nice. Tried not to think of thier mucous emissions as i was gazing at thier amazing white light whilst in the pitch dark with mouth open in awe though!
Also met some very cute and very fluffy angora bunnies (which I wanted to steal) and a very strange angora bunny shop lady who all but chased us down the road trying to get us to buy her v expensive products and waving dead animals at us- a horrid flashback to the evil woofing Mr Twit man!
All in all its been very action packed but I won't be sorry to leave the mankiest and nosiest hostel in the world tomorrow for Taupo- its sandwiched between 2 clubs, a kaoroke bar and ridiculously loud street sweepers for when the clubs close just to keep the decibel level suitably high to stop any chance of sleep at all!
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