I heard it calling and could not escape, the call of The Rock aka Uluru. After much travelling across dusty desert, treking for days in the hot sun with nowt but a billy can and a heavy pack (sounds more authentic for answering The Call than an air conditioned minibus), Uluru did not disappoint! The energy there was amazing, the earth really is red but theres a surprising amount of vegetation. Kata Juta, the Olgas, were also stunning and mesmeric. Everything actually changes colour as the sun sets on Uluru, and we did a dawn walk around the base as the sun came up. Some part of it are still Aboriginal sacred sites so no photos were allowed in these parts, but there were some cave paintings still at parts.
Sleeping in a swag (like a waterproof pouch that you sleep inside with your sleeping bag) after cooking tea on the fire and looking up at the stars was amazing, and seeing a wild dingo was great until the stories of them eating people and the reports the next morning one had been wandering around our sleeping bodies....but I lived to tell the tale, and here it is :-)
It was definatly worth the trip, such an incredible place, even when it was cloudy and drizzly! In the desert! Must have brought the spirit of Preston to the Outback ;-)
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