So life goes on for me here and I'm just plodding along without any great events occuring. That's just fine by me. Occasionally, the odd funny thing happens like Jake had his buddies over and they all got pissed and were very entertaining. Especially Bucko (Boston and Trinity's dad) who is just mental and a legend in his own lunchtime. He never goes anywhere without his HUGE knife sticking out of his fanny pack which was a bit daunting for the taxi driver who we palmed him off home on.
When we got back to the Mousetrap at about 1 in the mornin, it seemed like an excellent idea to crank up the barbie and cook lots of meat! Josh obliged as the Chef and Steph and I gorged ourselves on a much-needed protein injection (steady). It was very tasty (esp for us backpackers who don't get to eat great big steaks very often) and we ate the gorgeous bloody slabs with our hands. You'd have been proud Pop!
So tonight I completed my tenth shift in a row at the Hotel (one more tomorrow before me day off!) and my brain must be fried because a funny thing happened. When Pietta the chef asked if we'd like to take some dinner home I said of course! and Rob and I carried home a plate each of beautiful chicken and roast veggies. We sat down at home to enjoy our feast feeling blessed and clinked our glasses, toasting the perks of working in a hotel.
As we finished and set down our cutlery, Steph came running up with the phone and looking scared, "it's your Boss" she mouthed. "Julee this is David, Pietta said she cooked some meals for me and the wife and I can't find them". He sounded unmistakably like a very fractious hungry person. Cringing isn't really the word to describe how I felt as I had to explain that was because Rob and I had just eaten them. Oops. God only knows how the miscommunication occurred but I'm putting it down to Karma! Or just a classic case of Mercury retrograde!
So one Boss was pissed and the other was really pissed off! x
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