And so we finally arrived in the worlds highest city, Potosi, late on Saturday night after what turned out to be a pretty hellish bus ride. Just walking around was hard work because of the altitude, but we managed to find a place to watch the World Cup final, albeit in a strange little Italian restaurant with the grumpiest, slowest kid waiting on! After collecting my winnings from our mini-sweepstake I finally managed to get to speak to Hutch and that was pretty much that for Sunday.
On Monday morning we did a visit to the silver mines for which Potosi is famous. After getting kitted out in very fashionable overalls we got to the mines only to find out that the miners were on strike and protesting in the town centre, so we couldn't really do all the usual parts of the trip. Though it was still clear to see how some 8 million slaves had died in the mines during the height of activity centuries earlier. That meant that the most interesting part of the visit was trying the 96% alcohol which the miners drink-and boy does it burn!!! Back at the hostel, we had arranged for a suprise cake and pressents to be set out for Heathers birthday which went down a treat!
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