Whitneys on Tour
After a not terribly luxurious bus journey from Campo Grande we arrived bleary eyed at 5am on the Brazilian side of the border of the Iguazu falls. Our hostel fortunately has been great and once again we\'ve met some fun, friendly people to spend our days with.
For our first day we visited the Brazilian side of the falls which offers a more panoramic view of the falls but still allows you to get in pretty close to them. It\'s truly an incredible spectacle and if there\'a a more awesome natural sight on planet earth we\'d sure like to see it!! I\'ve seen the Niagra falls and they are nothing compared to this.
On day 2 we visited the Argentinian side to the falls. This allows you to get a little closer in plus you also have the chance of a boat trip which takes you right under the falls for a thorough and spectacular drenching.
A superb couple of days!
We\'re boarding a bus to Buenos Aires this afternoon. When we arrive there we\'ll head straight to Uruguay for a couple of days on the beach via ferry. Then it\'s back to Beunos Aires.
We\'re having a blast!!
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