so i have a job. i work as a waitress but its with great people. i take drinks orders and run them to the tables. the longer u are there the more responsibility u get! makes sense to me.
i havent worked much this week, but that suits me fine! i am still loving alice springs, met some great people and its really good.
nice community feel and people chat to u in the street. i feel like a bit of a hippy, and need to find some suitable clothes to fit!
volunteering at the red cross is great, the people are lovely and i get free things. if they cant be sold in the shop i get given them! its awesome.
havent really got much updates for u, i am working, going out, sleeping, eating (lots of cereal)
we cooked a roast the other day for our friends, and it was really lovely!
i wanted to go and get my tounge pierced yesterday but the guy who does it wasnt working and i got told today that its not a good place to get it done so i will wait till i get to brisbane
plan atm, leave alice in 8 weeks, go to darwin on tour, have a couple of days in darwin and fly to brisbane for my family to come out. stay in brisbane for a couple of months, try get a job and then do the east coast, wwoofing my way down so i can get my second year visa! should be good i hope.
right must go, hopefully update soon xxx
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