hello all
so i love it in alice springs! it is so good.
a few things have changed since the last email.
i now live in a house with 8 other people, i have a push bike, and i quit my job.
they were treating me like crap and expecting me to do 3 peoples jobs with enthusiasm and energy! it got to the point where i was like...nearly in tears and they were so rude so i just thought, whats the point. i am on holiday at the end of the day and there are loads of jobs in alice.
that was friday night, so i went out to bo-jangles, had a couple of drinks, then went to the boat race, it was awesome. its in the guiness book of records for being the only boat race to get cancelled because there was water in the river.
i have upload pics to my facebook. here is the link.
then i went to bo-jangles again, text anna and liam to get them to go online and check out my dance moves, as there is a live webcam! hahah, and then today has just been so good.
went to the market, chatted to a lady on one of the stalls about jobs, wandered round, sat in a cafe, had lunch, stayed there for 3 hours just chatting, drinking coffee etc, went to get some dvds and cd's, got some food, and then came home, paid rent, and here i am.
got someone cooking for me tonight as i cooked last night! i am starting to be able to cook!
i do a pretty good scrambled egg. guna make some garlic mushrooms tonight to have with the curry. yummm...
its so good living in the house. i am going to ring a nursing home tonight and see if they have any jobs going. i am really tempted with nursing so it would be pretty cool to get a job in a nursing home. its like a community!
so fingers crossed for that. i havent told mum and dad i quit my job, so i should probs let them know.
right, enough rambling from me.
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