Weve finally hit Heathrow!
The end has come its been an amazing 5 months but its now back to reality , bring on the parties and let the fun begin........
Emma G
where are you my lovelies!! xxx
Emma G
1.5 litres of blue vodka and bottle of pink champagne...whatever shall i do with them??? Im sure you'll both be able to help me dispose of it......
Live it up, see you soon xxxxx
Happy New Year Guys!!
Loving the stories about America! Gangsters and stuff, AAAHHH! sounds like you had a good new year though, am pleased!
Hope you enjoy the last leg of your trip, look forward to catching up!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! i hope you had a great Xmas and New Year! Certainly sounds like it!!!!
San Fran looks amazing...can't believe how long your hair is JJ!!!! looks great!
Xmas and NY was good for me...nothing in comparison to yours though!!!
looking forward to seeing oyu.
love, me. x
Happy New Year girlies. Loveyou two so much. M iss you so much - cant wait till the 19th x x x
Sarah B
I hope you both have a fantastic new years eve under the stars!!!
Cant wait to see you in January!
Take Care sweeties and live it up!!!!!
Hey guys,
Hope all is well and everyone had a good xmas break....back to work now though I guess!!! hee hee well Fiji was just pure luxery and bliss not looking forward to jumping back into a hostel again once we hit the USA.Hmmmm....Well not long until were home its insane, but I cant wait to see you all.
Love Jess and Sammy
Merry Christmas to you both! A bit late I know but it's the 1st chance I've had to use the computer. Thanks so, so much for our wedding card-b****y brilliant! We were racking our brains to think who we knew in Guernsey! Lapland was fantastic-just like stepping into narnia (although there was no nasty snow queen......just lots of elves, huskies, reindeer and of course, the big man himself....Santa!). Can't wait to catch up with you. Enjoy the rest of your sunny xmas.
Love, Kirsty.x
JJ I'm back in not so sunny chip!! not good, so jealous of the warm christmas you guys will be having! but hope you enjoy it, have agood one
Fi xxxx
Lou Lou Tosh
Merry Christmas Jess and Sam!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year...hope it's not too weird with the sun shining!
Have a fantastic time.
Sure we'll all be thinking of you here!
Loads of love and Chrsitmas Cheer!
Toshy. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Emma G
Hey Girls, Sam hope you got my card for yesterday.......Happy birthday if you didn't!!
Enjoy that sunshine girls, get up earier, and stay up later as you are approaching the end of your trip, you need to cherish and remember every moment. I can't wait to see the pair of you, even if you are 100 times browner than pasty see-thru me.
Merry Christmas
p.s J i watched Miricle on 34th street yesterday, in your honour