I AM SO JEALOUS! Sydney looks amazing and i want to go to the zoo too!
Well i know you have had some freak weather but at least it isnt constantly cold like here and today i am sure it has dropped a couple more degrees more but can't complain sun is shining and at the mo as i look out of my window at work i can see a pretty sunset setting over the thames.
Thinking of you guys and i hope you are up for the weekend of the 13th Jan 2007 as we are going to have a massive binge.
Take Care
Lou Tosh
Hi Jess!
i've finally got access to your journals.
so glad you're having an amazing time. very jealous! really looking forward to catching up when you get back and hearing all your stories.
glad you're safe and having the experience of a life-time.
loads of love matey
Matt Frame
Hello Jess and pal(s),
Just found a spare moment so thought I would leave you a good old well wishing.
I bet you guys are havin a great time so I wont keep you long.
Just a message to say that I (we) are all thinking about you guys and hope you are safe and well and have found what you were looking for and enjoying it as much as you imagined.
Will hope to hear back from you sometime with some stories (3 months in - you gotta have a few already!)
until then take care and love the life you are leading,
Matt Frame
Morning ladies!!
just a quickie to let you know im thinking about you whilst im daydreaming the drizzley, cold misty monday morning away. Can't wait to see you both, the welcome home ball will be amazing!!! Woo Hoo!!
Make the most of every min and i can't wait to hear your stories upon your return.
Love and Hugs xxxxxxx
Hey JJ!!
Your journal sounds amazing! have just moved house so not had internet... missed seeing how you're doing! hee hee!
hope you're enjoying yourselves, meeting up with Tosh & Rhi to-night, so will have a glass of wine for you, I'm looking forward to hearing all the SHS scandal!!
Take care fi xxxx
Mummy N Rhi!!
hi darlings!!
i have looked at your photo' and have read youre journals what a incredible place looks so clean and hot....not like here cold, n wet so jelous. Everything is the same here nothing interesting going on!
Look forward to your phonecalls so much bettr than e-mails miss hearing your voice and seeing your face!!!
Hvent had a cuddle of my bby for wat seems months..........looking forward to january wen your back!! will have nice roast dinner waiting for you n jess!!!
Lots of love always miss u laods take care n b safe.........
Lots of love!!
Mummy n family!!
Oh my god... you lucky devils! Looking at the scenery in those photos make me so determined to get my arse out there! I can't wait for you two to get back and tell your stories!
I've been in Switzerland for a week with my sister to meet relatives/ have a break. It was very nice, not as exotic as your end though! Weather was really good however. The temperature has really dropped over here, brrrrr.... hat and scarf weather 4 sure! Which actually makes me feel quite sick when I think about looking at your photos of you two frolicking about in your bikinis in bright blue oceans! Ah well.
Miss you loads
Take care and make the most out of the next few months. xxxx
Mummy And Daddy Glover, Owen And Rhys
loving the photographs, so so jealous. We all send all our love!! be good love "the glover tribe" xxxx
Hey guys!
Hope you're still having a fab time. It's just beginning to get a tad cold now! Woke up to my 1st frosty morning today! All of Prescott staff have kept their jobs on Prescott-hooray! We're expecting 4 new arrivals, 2 auxiliarys and 2 nurses. Went by your old place the other day, whoever's in there now has got a huge green plant by the corner window in the lounge but apart from that, can't see anything else too different from the outside! Got my hen weekend coming up now we're in November. Hannah and Becky are arranging the night out and I'm still none the wiser as to where we're going or what I should be wearing!! Unfortunately, gotta do nights from tomorrow but once they're outta the way there will only be 6 weeks til we go to Lapland (where it is now currently snowing, yey!!).
Keep topping up those tans!
Love Kirsty.x
Emma, Abby, Sarah, Kt , Lisa , Anita And Vic
check your phone messge thing-y, we have left you a lovely messagge to bring you into the saturday night events!!!
Emma, Lisa And Abby
Just sat here in abby's bedroom chatting and talking about you two and all your adventures!!!! wanted you to know just because you're not physically here we are thinking of you!!!
We'll have some shots for you both tonight!!!!
Miss you both, be good
Hey Girls,
Well, what can i say?!?! It just all looks so amazingly fantastic and i wish we could all be there with you both. The photos are excellent and are a great relief after a wet, windy and cold day back in England.
Time seems to be flying by and I cant believe you have been gone for almost 2 months.
No realnews to report from here, my house purchase is still going through, (very slowly) but dont worry i won't be having a house warming without you, it just would not be the same!!
Anyway, keep the journal entries and photos coming, as it is SO lovely to hear what you have both been up to and that you are safe and well.
Love to you both, miss you lots. Take care