Hello Ladies!
I hope you are having lovely day and you get very drunk!!!!
I am thinking of you ladies soaking up the sunshine and i have to say am so jealous! It is sooooo cold here and i cant wait till the christmas break.
I hope you both have a lovely christmas and happy new year!!!!!!
See you soon
Happy Birthday Sammy!!
Hope you're having a FAB b'day. We'll have to celebrate your birthday, my wedding (and hen night!), xmas and new year all when you get back! Devizes isn't too far from where I now live-so no excuses! We're off to Lapland in the early hours so the next time I write I'll be Mrs. Crompton! Wishing you both a Very Happy (and Sunny!) Christmas.
Lotsa Love,
Micholina (Michelle)
Hey Jess
Lou just gave me your link and have been spending all my morning looking through your amazing photoes- I am so jealous!!!
You sound like you are having a brilliant time. I am working opposite lou now upstairs and nika is still loving mick!!!
Take care, Happy Christmas
Lots of love micholina x x x
Birthday Girl
Mummy that message brought a tear to my eye as its been the first birthday away! Ive had a great morning dolphin watching in the Bay of Islands sadly i was unable to swim with them as they had their babies with them but thats whats so beautiful with nature! They were amazing
cant wait to speak later all my love sammy xxx
Mummy & H & Betty
have a lovely day with the dolphins really missing you..cant beleive its the first birthday i have missed...im all emotional now....
wish i could be with you, can't w8 til you come bk in january i have got your birthday present waiting for you!!! really enjoy your day..just dont get drunk without me, hope to speak to you soon today if im lucky...
Love you soooo much!!
missing you like crazzy..need a hug and big kiss.
Just have a great day...will be thinking of you..
Nanny says happy birthday and the family all send there love n wishes...
Lots of love always
Mummy.. hamish... betty ... darren.. and family..
Hey JJ
Well, i have been reading your journal entries with such excitement and jealousy!! and your bro is right...your writing style is amazing. i can imagine myself being in the places that you describe...you do it so well!
i hope you're ok and still having a great time. it's weird because today has been like Jess Day at work...i've said 'yeeasss' in a little britain styley, also 'weird beard' has cropped up once or twice and i also said 'WILD BERRIES'!!!! ha ha!!!! it must be a sub-conscious thing!!!!
nothing to report really. Fiona came over last night and we had a bottle of wine...why not?? it is Xmas! got the 'Ruby' meal on Friday. looking forward to it! Me, Fi and Rhi are meeting up next week for a pre-xmas thing. it's a shame you're not here, but if you have to go gallavanting round the world then so be it!
i hope the weather is a bit better now and not so cold on your flip-flop clad feet!! it's ok here...but it has been raining quite a bit. :O(
anyway, email me...i know you emailed The Don so let me know your news.
miss you mate and look forward to seeing you safe and sound in January!
Loads of love
Toshy. xxxx
Hey ho,
How's it all going? I am currently on Ko Chang, been to Bangkok and Ko Samet but this place rocks. Staying in a place called Paradise cottage at the end of lonely beach and spending most nights in the Tree House. Can't wait for the next 8 months of this.
Hope you're well and check out our page, www.statraveljournals.com/tumble84
Speak soon
Love Ash x
Me again. A quickie this time. Madonna was on Ch 4 last week with her Confessions Tour from London. I recorded it and will burn it to DVD in time for when you come home.
It was excellent, the whole experience of being in the golden circle and being up so close and personal all came flooding back. The mini movie clips you took with mum's camera have now been activated into full surround sound and to watch it on the big plasma is almost like being in the front row.
Now there is a great excuse for Sammy and you to come down and visit the minute you get back from your trip. Come see MADONNA and live the experience all over again.
Yippeeeeeeeeeeee. I dont want to hear, I dont want to know. Please dont say youre sorry.
Hey Jess/Sammy,
Got your Christmas card a couple of days ago. The first of the festive season and all the way from NZ. I was thrilled.
Love the latest couple of journal entries, your writing style is excellent Jess, I think you may have found a new talent. Perhaps you should become a travel critic for "Wish You were Here" or "Holiday". You never know, you could be the new Judith Charmers!!!!!
I love the Spacewagon, how cool does she look especially like the arm that comes out of the side for your frying pan and cooking pot. Did you give the citrus wagon a name?
Can't wait to see you both and give you a big kiss and cuddle. Missing you and hoping that you keep safe, have extreme fun and fantastic adventures.
Where are you for Christmas day?
Anyway my georgous ice travelling/globe temptress babes, I will send a message again soon.
All my Love Timxxxx
P.S Can you both make sure that you eat something soon, I am getting worried. I gust of wind and the pair of you could end up backin the UK sooner that you think. Keep on eating.
Hey girlies....
Just read about New Zealand and it sounds brilliant - completely different from Thailand and other places you have visited. I can imagine both of you in shades, flip flops and bikinis trying to climb those glaciers how funny!!! Whos driving the spaceship? Jess? Watch out kiwis!!
All is well here. Work is dragging today which is a pain! Getting ready for xmas - going to put the tree up next week. Cant believe you guys arent here for xmas eve...looks like im going out with tan though (yes she finally goes to the crown haha)!!
Dont have any other goss really. Hope you two are keeping well. Thinking of you lots and still enjoying the tells x x x
Lou Tosh
well, we've got your post-card!!! it's been sat downstairs in CS for about a month...stupid new people never told me!!!!! Boo! CS is rubbish now without our gang!!!
Had a cocktail party on Friday night and Rhi and Fi came. Great night and we were all pretty hammered. We'll def have to arrange a night out when you come home.
Your pics look amazing and I'm glad you're having a great time!
oh and last but not least...i'm going to be an AUNTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my bro and his wife are 12 weeks pregnant!!!!!! woo hoo!!!
Hey Girls, im excited about you coming home now (hope thats npt wrong) and looking forward to the binge i know is coing up!!!! I need to use this forum to pass on a message
******Lisa Rule is useless******
she will not answer phone calls, relpy to texts, return calls or check e-mail....i am holding out hope that she is not dead and still checks this website to let her know that the weekend we are planning for Manchester in Jan has changed from 13-14th to 20th-21st*****
Lisa please let me know you are alive and aknowledge what i have said above!!! plus it is rude to ignore people, and if you dont let me know, then you can sleep outside in the cold and rain with the homeless people.